ALSO Fundraising Event

Make ALSO part of your next step…

We offer in-person and online learning.


An interview with ALSO student, Hala on CBC Ottawa Morning

Hala arrived in Canada when she was 14 years old. Forty-five years later, she decided she wanted to get her high school diploma. It took tremendous courage, hard work and determination, but earlier this month she walked across the stage and received her diploma. “It’s like a dream come true. I am so happy,” she told CBC Ottawa Morning. Such a wonderful story and a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to get your diploma. Says Hala, “Please go for it. Don’t be afraid. You’re never alone. There’s so much support out there - more than you can imagine.”

Hala worked with Eduardo at ALSO. We are immensely proud of her accomplishment. 


We meet you where you are, enabling you to commit to learning and to imagine a brighter future for yourself.
