

There will be early bird pricing (20% off) for the month of February, celebrating Freedom to Read month. 



Fraud Prevention Workshop

Thank you to RBC for presenting their Fraud Prevention workshop to ALSO's Deaf Adult Upgrading Program. RBC not only provided the presenters, but they paid for the ASL interpreters. The session was well attended and very informative.

Grad Ceremony

ALSO students graduating at the OCSDB Continuing Education graduation ceremony. Mike and Eduardo attended this year to watch our ALSO students cross the stage. Well done!

Banned Book Night 2024

Photo Credit: Simone Edwards-Forde

Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make From the Ashes a great success. We raised just over $11,000!

The evening was entertaining, informative and educational. 'Nathan Burgoine, Kate Heartfield and Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth read excerpts from their chosen banned books. 'Nathan read from Suicide Notes by Michael Thomas Ford. Kate read from Salma Writes a Book by Danny Ramadan. Nili and her daughter read from Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. Denise Deshaw signed an excerpt from And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, illustrated by Henry Cole. The audience engagement was excellent with much discussion following each reading.

With 80 tickets sold, it was a full house. We were very fortunate to have Christophe Elie play his music throughout the evening. He describes his music as political folk. His performance was exceptional. Our MC, Mark Underwood, came from Montreal to be with us. He volunteered with ALSO many years ago. It was a pleasure to see Mark again. The event was catered by Chef Ric's at the Ottawa Mission. The food was delicious.

Thank you to our generous sponsors: Boss Electric, ASIGN, McCay Duff LLP, ACL Accounting and Consulting Services, Cooperators Insurance, Canine Clubhouse.

Thank you to the businesses/authors/artists/supporters that donated silent auction items : Perfect Books, Lawrence Hill (author), Frances Itani (author), Isobel Bisby (supporter), Kevin Scully (supporter), Salon Fiorella, Merivale Vision Care, Vistek Ottawa, Massine’s YIG, Capital Wave Water Polo Club, Kae McColl (artist), Kristen Nguyen (artist), Alexis Boyle (artist), Mama Shell’s Cakes, Jennifer Mae Bennet (makeup artist), Ann McElroy - Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild, Powerhaus Fitness Studio, Juice Dudez, Doozy Bougie Candles, True Bijoux, Total Nutrition Diva.

Thank you to the Ottawa Little Theatre for lending us the stage, and the Ottawa Public Library for their display of books. Thank you to everyone who helped with the event and to everyone who bought tickets. It was an amazing night.  

From the Ashes, ALSO's Banned Book Night, will continue to give voice to banned books and raise much needed funds for ALSO. There will be more information about the April 2025 event in our Fall newsletter.